Plan Yours Pet's Funneral
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Plan your pets Funneral.
At Merry Mourners we pride ourselves on offering a 100% unique service. Thats why we have somany opitions for you to choose from.

This is one of my favorite Coffins
This coffin is suitable for most medium sized pets and is reasonably priced
  Coffin, or Basket.
A good question.
Many pet owners feel that their loved one was so atached to their basket that they should be buired in it - unfortunatly this option is prohibited if the basket is nonbiodegradable.
We therefore offer a vast selection of coffins - email us for our latest stock list.

Our Musical consultant Mr Dickson has a wide range of tunes at his disposal for instance:
-Come up and see me
-I am a mole and i live in a hole
& specialy for cremations
-Burn baby burn

So now even the most musical pet owner is spoilt for choice.

If your pet loved nature honnor them with a floral tribute.

the Merry Mourners would like to stress that this website is purely for comedic puposes and they relinquish any resonsiblity for any distress sufered as a direct consequence of visiting this site.